Sunday 16 January 2011


v: to go swiftly: tear

Watching out for icy patches, Andrew hared along the country road on his motorbike.

Did You Know?

The hare in Aesop's fable may have lost the race with the tortoise due to the need for a nap, but the long-eared mammal's overall reputation for swiftness remains intact.  The noun "hare" (referring to a member of the genus Lepus, whose young are usually able to hop a few minutes after birth) first appeared as hara in a Latin/Old English glossary around the year 700.  The verb was in use by 1719, and people have been "haring off" and "haring about" ever since.

Page-A-Day Calendar
Workman Publishing

In My World...

I never knew this could be a verb. I guess it's a bit like a lot of these twenty-first century websites that we have.  You know, like "Google," which used to be a website and then became a verb: "I googled the company before my interview.  Or "Facebook." Although, FB is more about the "fb-creeping" than "facebooking."  Twitter, on the other hand, went straight to verb: I was late for work this morning because I was "tweeting" and missed my bus stop.

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