Wednesday, 3 September 2008

Day Two of Unemployment

Yesterday it hit me. This unemployment thing is not that bad. First of all, I am always looking for new experiences to draw on for that day when I eventually have time to write my experiences down. And secondly, now I will have time to write those experiences down.

And then it really hit me. This is my life. You know, we all have those moments when we realize that life actually is actually happening in this instant. I rememember when I first realized it. At first, those moments terrified me. You know those times when you are actually aware that time is ticking by. This is a moment of your life that you will never get back. After the first few years of those scary moments, though, I got used to it. Plus, I realized that my awareness of those moments only lasted for like a minute or two, so I knew I would eventually get over it. We eventually get over everything, don't we?

I'm a planner. I have been my whole life. That doesn't mean that I always follow through on my plans. In fact, it means that I rarely do. But I have always had a plan for my future going on in my head. It's part of the reason I know I will be a good writer. These future plans even have new characters in them and different lives for me and them or us, whether we are together or not, friends or lovers. Sometimes the plans are similar to ones I had in the past but often I change one or two concepts. But I have always envisioned myself in a job that I love, doing something that I want to be doing, and never have these plans come through.

That does not mean that I have not loved my jobs. No, I'm an optimist, I generally find something to enjoy in everything I continue to do on an ongoing basis. Perhaps that is why it terrifies me so much to choose the wrong job now. Because I could. But that's not the scary thing. No, I'm pretty sure I would still make myself reasonably happy wherever I end up. But I realized yesterday that right now I have the opportunity to make my life into one of those future plans that I keep creating for myself. And that is the scary thing.

Good-bye procrastination! Hello the life of a writer! That's it. That's what my unemployment will bring me. It's unconventional. It's a bit crazy to begin when I am $6000 in the hole, but people have done it before and they will do it again. I know I will make the ends meet. It's Christmas season soon, too, so even if I do get hard up, I'll sell out and do retail again for three months. But this is it. I don't have any schedule right now, no prospects of my dream job falling into my lap in the next week, nothing. So this is the perfect time to start living the dream rather than merely planning it.

Hello quarter life crisis!

1 comment:

Jenny Dove said...

Hi Jodi! I have just read your blog, and really like it. Way to go! I also really related to the "2nd day of unemployment" post. I had the exact same feeling when i graduated recently from my teaching degree--that I had the power to make a decision that would change my life for the better, or worse. It's scary, being unemployed (or underemployed), but at the same time can be exciting because we can make the decisions to make some of those dreams and plans we always have for our "future selves" a reality...
anyway, just a thought. I always think about you--I guess i just feel a connection, even though we never talk or anything :) Anyway, best of luck with everything!
Jenny (from Chapters oh so long ago)